# Piwik

Standard recipes

In the legal sense, “Standardrezepturen” (SR) are medicines which are manufactured in compliance with mandatory provisions in pharmacies or similar facilities and may be stored in packages ready to be sold.

The “Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekerverbände” (ABDA) has summarized the standard formulas in the “Neues Rezeptur Formularium” (NRF) and attached it to the “Deutscher Arzneimittel-Codex” (DAC).

The aim is to logically supplement a wide range of fi nished products in the area of freshly prepared medicines so that individual prescriptions for a certain patient are limited to exceptional cases. Prescriptions on the basis of SR formulations are interesting for both the pharmacy and the physician since they can be manufactured eff ectively and economically and are normally reasonably priced. On these premises, “Standardrezepturen” have not only proven their worth in the past but are still important today.

Our company has thus specialised in this range of products. It goes without saying that both manufacturing and quality regulations are being constantly developed in consideration of modern control and hygiene requirements.

We produce not only pharmaceuticals, but also bulk ware for further processing in pharmacies or other institutions.

A woman at a filling machine for ointments and creams.
A woman checks a bottle of hydrogen peroxide during the manufacturing process.
Liquid finished medicinal bottles on shelves in the air-conditioned finished goods warehouse of Pharmachem.
Standard recipes
Pharmachem GmbH & Co.KG